Abstract Submission

Types of Abstracts

Scientific/Research Abstracts

These are detailed summaries of original research studies, including the study’s objective, methodology, results, and conclusions. IRB approval must be mentioned.

Clinical Case Reports

These abstracts describe unique or rare clinical cases, detailing the patient’s medical history, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes. They are valuable for sharing insights on unusual medical conditions or treatment approaches.

Review Abstracts

These provide a summary of existing literature on a specific topic. They aim to synthesize current knowledge and may highlight gaps in the research that need addressing.

Methodological Abstracts

These focus on new or improved research methods, techniques, or tools. They describe the method’s development, validation, and potential applications.

Programmatic/Service Delivery Abstracts

These abstracts describe innovative programs or service delivery models in clinical, educational, or community settings. They include information on the program’s design, implementation, and evaluation.

Theoretical Abstracts

These present new theories or conceptual models. They typically outline the theoretical framework, its development, and its implications for research or practice.


All abstracts should be written in clear English.


All presenting authors should have proficiency in English, to be able to present and respond to questions. Otherwise authors are encouraged to choose poster presentation.


Abstracts must be submitted via the online abstract submission site.


You must receive the approval of all co-authors before putting their names on the abstract.


All abstracts must be submitted to an appropriate category for review based on the scientific content of the abstract.



- Abstract titles are limited to 10 words or less.

- The title should be dynamic and conclusive, rather than descriptive.

- In general, you should capitalize the first letter of each word unless it is a preposition or article.

- Titles should not be bold.


Authors: One person must be identified as the presenting author. The order of the authors can be modified at any time prior to the abstract deadline.


Abstract Text: All abstracts should be 250 words or less. Do not include your title or authors in the abstract text. Do not include references. Graphics/images are not recommended. In clinical studies, please state whether informed consent was obtained.


Content of the Abstract: The abstract should contain a brief statement of (but not as subheadings):

- Background

- The objectives of the investigation

- Experimental methods used.

- Essential results, including data and, where appropriate, statistics

- Conclusion

- Keywords: up to three


All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed. The accepted abstracts will be published in the “conference abstract book” handed out to the conference attendees.


The submitting author will receive a confirmation of acceptance for oral presentation, poster presentation, poster without presentation or a notice of rejection.


Authors of abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be informed about the type and date of the session and presentation guidelines will be provided.


Poster presenters will be informed about the date of the poster session and will receive guidelines for their presentation.


Download ESLPS presentation template

Submission deadline: 30 June 2024 

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