Scientific Programold Speech Language Pathology KEYNOTE SPEAKER SCIENTIFIC SESSION ONE: Assessment and Treatment of Speech Sound Disorders (SSD) SCIENTIFIC SESSION TWO: Clinical Practices in AAC: A Multi center perspective SCIENTIFIC SESSION THREE: Panel discussion - Past to the present SCIENTIFIC SESSION FOUR: Neuro Diversity Affirmative Practices in SLP SCIENTIFIC SESSION FIVE: Call for Papers – Global invitation to cover topics in voice, stuttering, phonology, adult neurogenic disorders SCIENTIFIC SESSION SIX & SEVEN: Innovations in SLP SCIENTIFIC SESSION EIGHT: Dysphagia across lifespan SCIENTIFIC SESSION NINE: Voice Audiology KEYNOTE ADDRESS (Audiologists) SCIENTIFIC SESSION ONE: Early identification and Newborn hearing screening SCIENTIFIC SESSION TWO Diagnostic assessments in pediatrics: Co morbidities / difficult–to-test children | Syndromic hearing loss / Genetics and HL SCIENTIFIC SESSION THREE: Hearing Aid Technology / Post Implant Management SCIENTIFIC SESSION FOUR: Panel Discussion: Vestibular Disorders SCIENTIFIC SESSION FIVE: Advanced Audiology SCIENTIFIC SESSION SIX: Call for Papers – Global invitation to cover audiology topics Master Class Topic - Aural Rehabilitation